Understanding CBD (Cannabidiol) for Back PainUnderstanding CBD (Cannabidiol) for Back Pain

Cannabidiol or CBD is a relatively unknown treatment for pain. There are studies that suggest CBD could help with inflammation, which is often a factor causing chronic back pain.

CBD can come in many forms. There have been promising results with topical creams or gels for neuropathy and inflammation.

CBD requires additional research to demonstrate its effectiveness and to better understand side effects (especially long-term), and possible drug interactions.

What is CBD?

marijuana sativa is where CBD oil comes from. Cannabinoids are a group of over 100 compounds found in cannabis plants. They have a wide range of effects, including pain relief and anti-inflammatory qualities.

There are two types of cannabis sativa, each with a different purpose.

  • . THC refers to the psychoactive component of marijuana use.
  • Industrial (non-drug) uses. This form of cannabis has trace amounts (less than.03%) of THC and can be used in papermaking, clothing, and other materials. This cannabis variety is called hemp.

CBD is found in both hemp and cannabis varieties. Many CBD products on the market today are CBD-derived. CBD doesn’t come with the psychogenic high of marijuana.

Ways CBD Treats Back Pain

CBD is shown to be a pain reliever in the back, according to:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Fighting anxiety often associated with chronic back pain
  • Supporting sleep and relaxation 

Some research suggests that CBD might have an effect upon how one perceives pain. But more rigorous research is needed. CBD is generally considered to provide a total-body treatment. That means it doesn’t specifically treat back pain (except when applied topically), but rather contributes overall relaxation and pain relief.

CBD: Side Effects and Risks

Cannabidiol even in very high quantities is generally safe. CBD may have side effects that include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Low blood pressure

Side effects that are more severe, but less common, include:

  • Mental confusion
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

As with all natural products, adverse reactions can occur when taking other medications. These warnings suggest that you should not take certain medications with grapefruit-containing products.

CBD oil can be used prior to surgery

Any cannabis use, including CBD or marijuana, should be disclosed before you undergo surgery. A recent study found that cannabis usage may be linked to the effects of sedate medications.

By Adalyn