Why CBD Oil and Morning Coffee are so important

Combining CBD oil with coffee is a growing trend.

Combining CBD oil and coffee isn’t just a marketing move. There are several benefits. The relaxing effects provided by the CBD help to reduce side effects like anxiety and jitteriness.

We will be covering all aspects of CBD oil and coffee. We’ll discuss proper dosing and provide some tips and techniques to get the most out the combination, which can help promote focus as well productivity.

Why do you mix CBD Oil with Coffee

Coffee contains caffeine as its active ingredient. It’s what makes you feel alert, focused, and awake. However it can also make you feel anxious and increase your heart rate.

CBD oil can be used in coffee to counter these side effects, especially for people who are sensitive.

Coffee is the Most In-Populated Stimulant in The World

Caffeine, the active component in coffee, is the most commonly used stimulant. Each day, more than 2.2 billion cups coffee are consumed.

Tea is another popular source. It is consumed by as many 3 billion people every day.

Other stimulants are not as popular as caffeine.

Our obsession with productivity may be the reason for our excessive caffeine intake. Caffeine allows us to wake up earlier for work, pay more attention, and work longer hours because we are less fatigued.

Side effects of stimulants are present in all types of stimulants, including coffee.

The side effects of coffee are well-known to most coffee drinkers

It can make us anxious and jittery. At times, our heart can skip beats or pound. These side effects, along with the fact that they can make us less productive, are contrary to the reason why we should use it.

CBD oil is here to help. It can eliminate all these negative side effects and allow the caffeine do the job it was meant to.

1. Mental alertness increases

CBD oil interacts with neurotransmitters to enhance the effects of caffeine, thereby increasing mental alertness.

A few brain neurotransmitters control mental alertness. Adenosine, one of the most vital neurotransmitters in the brain, is one of them.

The neurons send fewer messages as adenosine builds-up. This makes us feel lazy and tired. It’s meant to help you sleep better at night.

Caffeine blocks effects of adenosine – by attaching directly to the receptors — thereby stopping adenosine doing its job, keeping us awake when other people would feel tired.

The interaction between CBD oil and adenosine provides many of its own advantages. However, it’s more complicated than the interaction with caffeine. CBD oil appears to enhance the efficiency adenosine-receptors directly.

CBD oil also has stimulating effects due to its interaction of serotonin. This neurotransmitter is often called “happy”. Serotonin activity increases motivation and gives you a better sense of wellbeing.

More research is necessary to understand how CBD oils can enhance caffeine-induced alertness. We’ll keep this page updated with any new research.

2. Avoid Anxious Side Effects

The best-known use of hemp CBD oil is for anxiety.

CBD oil is excellent for anxiety relief because it works with multiple mechanisms rather than relying solely on one.

3. Caffeine & CBD Oil both have long-lasting, more effective benefits

To get rid of almost anything that gets into the body, the liver needs to process it.

The liver uses a set of specialized enzymes known as CYP enzymes (specialized enzymes for disassembling drugs, cells byproducts and other compounds to accomplish this task.

Caffeine and cannabidiol have similar structures and so require the exact same enzymes in the liver — CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2D6, CYP3A4, CYP3A4.

The liver can only metabolize so much. The liver can become overwhelmed by sudden increases in CBD oil and caffeine. These compounds are not processed by the liver at their maximum speed.

Like rush hour traffic getting slowed down because of the sheer volume and speed of cars, traffic to liver for metabolism gets slowed as well.

How to make CBD-Infused Bulletproof coffee

Bulletproof coffee can be described as a combination of coffee, butter, or MCT oil extracted from coconuts.

The ketogenic diet is known for its popularity. It induces ketosis which is a metabolic state where the body uses fats that it has stored.

Sugar can be described as jet fuel. While it burns very hot and doesn’t last much, it is extremely heat-resistant.

Bulletproof coffee oils act like coal. They burn fairly hot but last a very, very long time.

Bulletproof coffee gives you all-day power with slow-burning energy and slow-drips of caffeine.

This is also a great place to use CBD oil. It is common for CBD oil to dissolve on top of coffee. CBD is fat-soluble. It will dissolve perfectly in bulletproof coffee’s butter and MCT oil.

By Adalyn