You may be pleased to know that you are about start cultivating your cannabis plants with freshly-tilled dirt and a few seeds. After learning how cannabis seeds are grown and cared for, you can’t wait for your first inspection! Wait, what if you haven’t checked to see if your cannabis seeds are good enough to plant? Yes, I also thought so.

Prior to you begin the weed cultivating process, make sure you check the quality and health your seeds. How soft are they? Are they more or less dark? Where did you obtain cannabis seeds These are signs that your cannabis seeds are fresh and healthy, ready to be used! It is easy to find out if your cannabis seeds will be suitable for cultivation.

What are the Qualities of Cannabis Seeds?

It is not rocket science for anyone to grasp that healthy cannabis seeds are the basis of healthy marijuana plants. These seeds are likely to germinate and develop but will not be as healthy and fresh as top-shelf cannabis seed. These poor seeds may not even sprout in the worst-case scenario.

Can you tell the difference between male cannabis seeds and female cannabis seeds.

It is probable that you will have concerns about distinguishing male and female marijuana seeds if your use regular marijuana seeds. It would be more efficient for male weed seed to be removed before they can grow out of the shells.

Only the preflowering stage of cannabis plants is when you can distinguish between male and feminine cannabis plants. This is unfortunately the only period in the plant’s lifespan during which this can occur. If your plants are producing preflowers, then you will know if they have male or female cannabis plants. It is up you to make the final decision.

How to determine the quality of your cannabis seed:

Now, the important part: how do I know if my cannabis seeds are healthy? Are they young? Is it possible for them to be freed from their shells at the time of germination? The best thing about this is you can easily determine the health and freshness and quality of your cannabis seeds by just looking at them or feeling them. Here are the top characteristics of healthy cannabis-seeds:

Size doesn’t matter:

Because cannabis seeds are always organic and pure, you can find them in different forms and sizes. This is due to their uniqueness and absence of commercial intervention. Like the structure of a cannabis plant, the appearance of seeds can be different.

Therefore, you should not consider the seeds’ size when determining their quality. Some cannabis seeds will have very small grain sizes while some others will have larger, chunkier grains.

Shade of the cannabis seed:

Healthy cannabis seeds are first noticeable for their dark and brown colors. The first thing you’ll notice about healthy cannabis seeds is their dark brown color. A seed’s appearance can tell you if it is ready to be planted. Immature and young seeds will often be light green or white. This means they are still not fully ready to plant.


This one is a bit more subtle. But if your eyes are open, you might see tiger stripes or dark marks all over the marijuana seeds’ shells. This is a great way to tell if the seeds are new and doesn’t have any distinguishing features.

Also, make sure you don’t mistake holes or cracks for markings. These signs will indicate damaged seeds and make it much harder for them to grow.

A strong, durable outer shell

The seeds are not suitable to be grown if they have been stored in a sealed container. Even small seeds may indicate that they have exceeded their expiration date and are no more viable for planting. In contrast, seeds too early might not have strongshells. The seeds may disintegrate if they are subjected to even the slightest amount pressure.

So, search for cannabis seeds that have a thick outer shell. These should be strong enough to withstand a little pressure when you push them between your fingertips. The seeds’ DNA and essential traits are protected by the hard outer shell. The outer shell must feel and look polished and waxy.

The Floating Test: Simple To Use And Effective!

Seeds experts claim that the best way to judge the quality of your marijuana seeds is to simply put them in water, and then let them float. This is a simple, effective way to evaluate your cannabis seeds and remove those that fail the test.

The test works on the simple principle that healthy seeds sink and unhealthy seeds float. The seeds will become sufficiently moist due to being submerged and you can start sprouting them immediately!

Then, fill the cup about halfway with water. Add your marijuana plants. Allow the seeds to absorb water through their tiny holes for about 1 to 2 hour. Next, look for any seeds that are floating on the surface. Any seeds that have not fallen to the bottom of your container can be easily removed and tossed.

By Adalyn